3rd Grade Field Trip
Boyd County 3rd and 4th grade students traveled in style to Chamberlain, SD on Thursday, May 16. They visited the Akta Lakota Cultural Museum on the campus of St. Joseph's Indian School. The museum is all about the Native American ways of life for the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota peoples who were on the plains. The museum shows the ways of life for native peoples from the beginning of time through current day. Some of the favorite exhibits included ways the buffalo were used, bead and quill work, star quilts, and a buffalo hide that told the story of a battle against an American General. The students also were able to interact with games and a short video depicting Native American way of life. They also got to visit the the center which explains the history of St. Joe's Indian School. After the museum they loaded the bus and headed to the statue name "Dignity" which is at a rest stop just outside of Chamberlain. She is 50ft tall and 32 feet wide. Thank you to Larry for the safe travels and Jessica Koenig and Vonda Nolan for coming along with us!
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